Singing for the Slightly Terrified

Book now!

Lady garden are super excited to announce that after our successful workshop at the Blues in the Pews : PewFest, We are able to bring more Singing for the Slightly Terrified to Highbridge and Bridgwater in autumn 2024!
To those that love to sing but fear doing it in front of others, and those that would love to but believe they can’t or maybe you used to sing, but over time your confidence has totally gone? These workshops are designed for EVERYONE and ALL abilities! Together we will……
  • Learn all songs by ear with no complicated jargon
  • No expectation to sing alone or perform
  • Boost confidence and reduce stress
  • Find your own unique voice in a relaxed supportive environment
  • Tackle the fear of failure, Its okay to fail!
  • Pay what you chose, no one will miss out due to funding



Workshop dates

This as a six week course and we’d love to form a cohesive group that can grow together throughout the six sessions, however we understand life can get in the way, no one is required to make all six workshops, just let us know what suits you!


Bridgwater Arts Centre, Bridgwater, TA6 3DD

Doors Open at 6:15PM
From 6:15PM to 8:00PM

Wed 16th Oct
Wed 30th Oct
Wed 13th Nov
Wed 27th Nov
Wed 4th Dec
Wed 18th Dec


St John’s Church Highbridge 

11:00 – 1:30pm

Sat 7th Sept
Sat 21st Sept
Sat 5th Oct
Sat 19th Oct
Sat 2nd Nov
Sat 16th Nov