We help make that happen

Seed is a charity that brings community-led creative projects to Sedgemoor on behalf of local community organisations. As part of the Arts Council Creative People and Places project for Sedgemoor, offering communities new opportunities to create, access and participate in creative arts, heritage and cultural activities.

We meet with and talk to members of the community, they share their ideas and what they would like to see, do and experience in their local areas. We believe the best ideas can come straight from the community.

From interactive public art, a free music festival and a former green grocer transformed into a creative space, we help make your ideas happen!

You can learn more here about Seed’s mission and values

You can get involved in current exciting community projects by jumping in! 

Current Seed projects and activities, take a look and get involved

Seed Stories – growing creativity

Have your say in shaping events in your community

Seed has a busy programme of activities, groups, and shows, which comes straight from the community. We meet with the people who matter: you! We want to listen and learn, to find out what may be lacking or what you really need.

We want to hear from you!