New! Cheddar Frequencies project

What Does Cheddar Sound Like?

Artist Richard Tomlinson is seeking to create an audio portrait of Cheddar. Working with local people to capture autobiographical moments and ambient sounds that represent and resonate with the community and landscape of the Cheddar Valley. This is very much a co-creation project, connecting people and place.  People from local organisations will be encouraged to learn how to use equipment to record and edit sounds which mean something to them, with sessions and workshops to develop technical skills and creative content including sound walks and story sharing. The finished work will be a sound installation both physical and online.

Richard says “The podcasting sessions are nearly ready for ‘lift off’, starting with some wonderful Cheddar groups including The Courthouse Retirement home, The Mens Shed “. Workshops are also planned in  local schools and the Homes in Sedgemoor community space.
